Georg Schöllhammer, born 1958, editor, author and curator. Lives and works in Vienna. Since 1995 editor-in-chief and co-founder of springerin -
Hefte für
Gegenwartskunst, a quarterly magazine dedicated to the theory and critique of contemporary art and culture. 1988–1994 editor for visual arts at the daily
Standard. 1992–1998 visiting professor for theory of contemporary art at the
University of Art and Industrial
Design, Linz. Numerous publications, exhibitions and projects on contemporary art and architecture. He directs, an initiative to support contemporary art projects in Central Europe. Recently he curated the exhibition Play Sofia (Kunsthalle Wien, 2005), and the projects Akademie Ostwest (Tanzquartier Wien, 2004) and Lokale Modernen: Architektur an den Rändern der Sowjetunion (Local Modernities: Architecture on the Margins of the Soviet Union; Frankfurt/Main and Berlin). As editor-in-chief for documenta 12 he is planning and directing the publication projects.